Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hooray for March!!

So this is my first post of March.(was going to post yesterday, but my connection was being slow) I can't believe it's March! (this is me doing the happy dance) March is the beginning of so many of my favorite things. Spring and warm weather are on their way. It was 51 degrees outside today! And we had a thunderstorm!! The rain made everything smell so clean and refreshed. I opened all my windows and let our apartment air out.

March also marks the beginning of high school track season. Yay!! I love watching track and field. I won't be coaching this year for obvious reasons (LOL) but I plan on making it to as many track meets as possible after I have the baby. That's why God had someone invent front packs and oversized coats to keep the little one snuggli warm. :) It's Keeley's senior year and I don't want to miss anything.

There's nothing like March and some warm weather to lift your spirits and help you make it through the last few weeks of winter.

Happy March Everyone!!

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